♥ your? “Donlea McCombs is a Herbalist and self-taught Masseuse with over 30 years experience, mostly around Enderby, BC, where she is known as the local Medicine Woman to many. A strong and caring Wise Woman whose skills help tired and sore bodies move again, and who is known for encouraging people to not take any shit, amongst other unsolicited but empowering advice;) You will find her in the forest foraging wild plants for her salves, or in her back yard dancing under the moon.
She’s my Mom and she taught me to believe in my own magic.”
We invite you to join us at Santé where she has offered to teach us basic reflexology techniques for self-care and to share.
$25 per person (no one turned away for lack of funds),
Fee includes lovely little surprises and door prizes.
Pre-registration only. Limited space available.
250 505 4233